Class Descriptions

  • Align and Flow

    the heat is lowered to a cozy temperature and you are guided through a vinyasa flow; first step by step with verbal cues on alignment and how to feel in the pose with optional hands on assisting. Then we complete the class by moving through the flow breath to movement - connecting each pose to an inhale or exhale

  • Aroma Flow

    This class is wonderful because it combines our traditional vinyasa flow with essential oils. Our instructors will take you through movement but then bring you down to pause and talk to you about the benefits of certain essential oils. There may be gentle touch offered as well for those who want it to help enhance positive and relaxing effects of the oils. Another great option for beginners and those that want to learn things beyond the poses of yoga.

    Class is heated.

  • Aroma Yin Yoga

    A B-1 Favorite class with some essential oils added in! Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice. Suitable for almost all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.

  • B-26

    This class is a traditional hot yoga sequence made popular around the world by Bikram Chaundry. It consists of 26 hatha style asanas done in a room heated to 108 degrees with 40% humidity. The class is designed to be healing and therapeutic and is done without a down dog or Chaturanga. All experience levels will find this class accessible yet challenging. 75 minutes as we go through the sequence twice.

  • BPM

    B-Power Mix (BPM) This class will be a set sequence and is a nice combination of the B-26/Bikram sequence postures with a little bit of a B-1 twist to it! The room is still set to 105 degrees and is a nice deep tissue lengthening and strengthening class. A great mix of B26, a little flow, and no chaturangas! All levels are welcome as the set sequence comes with many modifications

  • Core and More

    This class focuses on strengthening your whole core, with less yoga flow poses and more yoga core and floor work. Planks are a guarantee! Some cardio bursts may be added throughout as well. You still get a traditional vinyasa stile yoga warm-up and cool down. Class is heated.

  • Candlelight Yin Yoga

    This class offers a beautiful balance with meditation, release, and finding space in your body. It’s at 7:00 pm and the room is "lit" with our LED candles to make the experience even more calming and magical. Yin holds stretches that allow the body and fascia to release and let go. It incorporates props and blocks to make everybody feel comfortable no matter where their body is at. It is another awesome choice for beginners too. Not heated

  • Dance Fitness

    Join Brooke for this fun, upbeat dance fitness class. She will get your heart rate up with fun exercises and cardio bursts mixed in throughout her easy to follow dance moves

  • Express Flow

    Come sweat and flow on Saturday mornings with us with this heated, Vinyasa style 45 minute express class. You can fit it in after early morning Farmer's Market, or still make it to yoga after sleeping in :)

  • ​ Flow 1.5

    This is a traditional vinyasa flow class. Vinyasa means "connection" in Sanskrit and that is what you do as the flow strings together a variety of poses breath to movement for you in order to build a sequence. Although each instructor will bring their own flavor to it, you can always count on a sun salutaion warm up, creative sequencing throughout, balance poses, flowing on your mat in a manner that can help bring some meditative movement with the breath/posture connection, a nice cool down, and shavasana.

  • Functional Flow

    Functional Flow is a unique class experience built around the Awakening Yoga foundations created by Patrick Beach & Carling Harps. This intermediate/advanced yoga class will flow like a ritualistic vinyasa flow building heat throughout the body. Functional Flow will always include creative transitions, mobility movement patterns, as well as challenging strength based postures and progressions to help you find growth in your individual practice. Expect to find your breath + body connection through flow while moving through a unique and powerful yoga class. This class is heated.

  • Gentle Sunrise Flow

    A gentle, heart opening slower flow to start your Friday out right. This will include a longer warm up with an intention setting practice, have some slow flow mixed in with some holds in poses, includes a balance pose, then takes you through a cool down, and ends with a nice shavasna

    Class is not-heated.

  • Hatha Yoga Express

    A slow flow, non-heated class perfect for beginners, yet challenging enough for seasoned yogis. Traditional asanas (poses) are held for longer periods of time to adjust and perfect them. This class stresses strength and flexibility. 45 minutes. Not heated

  • Happy Hour Yoga

    Start off your weekend with a feeling of happy in our fun and upbeat happy hour flow. This class is perfect for right after work on a Friday as it starts at 4:00 and goes 45 minutes so you can be on your way to the rest of your plans. This flow 1.5 class will bring good vibes and good times to all that attend. Class is heated.

  • Hip-Hop Yoga Flow

    The lights stay low, the music stays up, the heat is set between 100-103 degrees, and you get to release and have a little fun! We go through 3 sequences 3 times. First time is slow and the next two are breath to movement and then at the end it all comes together for one big breath to movement sequence. Yes, song requests are always taken ;)

  • Power Flow

    Power flow yoga class will be sure to get your heart rate up and help tone and strengthen your body through the postures and poses of yoga moving you breath to movement. It will always have some cardio bursts and extra core work added in as well to give it that extra spice! Class is heated.

  • Sunrise Flow

    This class is a perfect flow to awaken the body with traditional Sun A’s, B’s, C’s, and D’s that moves breath to movement and gets you ready to take on the day. 45 minutes long. Come move and flow this summer and then step outside to the warm sun shining down on you.

    Class is heated.

  • Sunrise Run + Stretch

    Join us Mondays as we run or walk down to the riverwalk together (the class will be set up where all cardio levels feel welcome and know their route and time frame) so people can push themselves at their own, unique levels. All classes will start with a short, dynamic warm up, and will finish up with a nice stretch and shavasana in our heated yoga studio. If it rains, the cardio portion will be done inside the studio blended in with more yoga and stretching. Runs through summer and all levels welcome!

  • Tapas

    This sequence was designed by our own Holly Flood. The room is heated between 95-99 degrees with 30-35% humidity. It is a set sequence that never changes. Tapas is the building of internal heat and this is what you will do as you move and flow through the poses that build off each other. You start off slow and as you add on, what you already did becomes breath to movement. It’s definitely a community favorite!

  • Vinyasa Core Flow

    This class will take you through a vinyasa flow and move your body through breath to movement poses, but it will have a little extra core work added in. Planks, side planks, some light backbends and hip work… It has the goodness to keep your core strong. All levels welcome because modifications are always offered, but it will definitely offer more challenging options if you choose to take them.

    Class is heated.

  • Yin Flow

    Find the perfect balance between Yin and Yang in this class that captures the best of both yoga worlds. Begin your practice with a slow, 30-minute flow, followed by a restorative and meditative stillness in yin. The room is lightly heated, with candles helping illuminate your practice. Another perfect option for beginners.

  • Yin Nidra

    The class starts with a few yin yoga poses to stretch and relax the body. Once we have done that, we will then stretch and relax the mind in a yogic sleep state known as 'Yoga Nidra'. During the Nidra, our minds slow down and come into a theta state, which helps the body and mind heal. It’s a perfect way to end your Sunday before going into a new week and is one more great option for beginners or those that want the benefits of yoga without all the physical poses. Not heated

  • Yoga 1.0 (AKA 1.0 Flow)

    For Beginners and for joint health

    This class quickly became known as our golfer’s club class because all the guys joked that they didn’t think they could do yoga but quickly learned how much it benefited them. This is a class that all levels will benefit from but is definitely a great choice for beginners. We move slowly and break down the poses. It is only lightly heated and you will leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

  • Yoga Express

    Perfect class for the lunch hour. This class is not heated so you don’t get too sweaty and can get back to work or on with your day. It goes through a vinyasa flow but tends to be a little less rigorous and is more of just a nice way to move your body and reset midway through your day. 45 minutes. All levels and perfect for beginners.

  • Yoga + HIIT

    First you get the yoga flow and then you get the total body workout. It's a half and half class that is sure to get your sweat on. We start with a traditional vinyasa flow that will get us warmed up and loosened up and then we go into the HIIT portion that is a combination of cardio bursts, body weight exercises, and some moves that use lighter weights for strengthening and toning. Then it comes back together for a nice yoga stretch before you leave. All levels welcome as modifications are always offered.

    Class is heated.

  • Yoga Jams

    From The British Invasion to funk, classic rock, country, disco, R&B, pop hits and everything in between. Each week, embrace your inner groove with a new, heated yoga flow set to a carefully curated playlist of your favorite jams. Let's get down, dog! All levels vinyasa flow with some extra great tunes to accompany. Class is heated

  • Yoga Jams Live

    This is our Yoga Jams classic Flow 1.5 set to amazing tunes BUT it is with live music and not-heated!

    This class will be on the schedule once a month with special guest local artists joining us and sharing their gifts. How lucky are we?

  • Yoga Sculpt

    This class has classic yoga poses and vinyasa flow with weights added in and more focus on strengthening your major muscle groups to really get your heart rate up and help build muscle tone, while also lengthening the muscles and incorporating flexibility. The mood is energizing and the music pumping. Class is heated. All levels welcome!

  • Free Riverwalk Yoga

    Join us all summer at the Riverwalk for year 3 of our FREE community yoga. We meet under the Gazebo, and each week our instructors will be accepting donations for a different non-profit of their choice. This runs Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend and is an all-levels. EVERYONE is welcome. Bring a yoga mat and come hang out with us. Be on the lookout for special guests that join us with Sound Healing or Live Music. Just our way of giving back and saying thank you to this community!

First time at the studio?

On your smartphone download the B1 Yoga App from your phone app store to download and sign in.  

Or, print and complete our waiver for your first visit.

Participants under 18 MUST have parent or legal guardian sign the waiver prior to practicing.